everything. once we're in a party, all our party skills can be casted regardless of the presence of any nearby party mates.
5)Completer: With completer incoming, Space Collapse is out. seriously lol@SC.
Reason: although it's limit 4, it isn't like AF, and hits the monsters all around you. AF is limit 4 around us, but SC is limit 4 around the monster. in simple words, SC may
not always hit the monsters behind you if the monster you casted yr SC on is in front of you.
the only great thing about SC is the 80% stun..<3 other than that, it sarks.
Anyway, it still makes a good PVE skill. at least level 12 i would say. if you're sooo into PVP then get it to level 20 after transcender is out. since comp lv20 will be deadly
as a finisher in PVP.
btw also get Mass Restore.
6)Transcender: This one's pretty obvious. max both Raise Spirit and Art of Force Control
7)Apprentice: Reaching apprentice allows you to learn the blasts. Don't bother. This is because you will delete them anyway. However, get Dig Bomb to lv9 because it's limit 2
(AOE) and knocks down the enemy. Good for saving your arse when you get whooped by many mobs. For other apprentice skills like Icicle Shower, don't even look at them.
8)Regular: Now the regular rank. What skills can you learn lemme see.. Oh the lances. Just learn 2 of the lances, Terra Lance and Fire Lance. They have higher DPS compared to
the other lances at lv20. Don't even bother touching Hydro Disk or Wind Cutter. However, if you got the cabal alz and want to train faster, you may get it. And i was jw if Weaken is
under regular. If it is, learn and max it. You'll surely need this one.
9)Expert: This is when your cannons come. But firstly, get Hardness and max it asap. Lightning Strike is useless as it's too slow to be of any use. Acid Trap is good at lower
levels, but start to get useless at the higher levels. It's too low damage at higher levels and for it to be useful, you have to level acid trap to 20 for the max poison
effect. And it'll cost you a bomb to delete it. So, simply, don't learn it. Get Stone Cannon, Fire Cannon, Lightning Cannon, maybe Aqua Cannon as well. Stone, fire and aqua are
usually used for PVP while lightning is more for PVE til your gm comes.
10)A.Expert: Only 4 skills: Vacuum, Chain Explosion, Energy Field and Sharpness. and what's the point of sharpness? for a wizard to punch? so don't bother unless you wanna buff
your mates and the points to spare. If you got the cabal alz and want to train fast, learn all the other 3 as these skills are good at the low levels. Energy Field is a MUST HAVE
because it has a nice cast time and stuns. However, i do not recommend Vacuum cos it's too slow, in fact **** slow. I deleted it after killing a wriggleleaf. Also, for CE, it's
good for certain unstunnable bosses(those bosses in the patren quest) and just get it to 9 in my opinion.
I hope I helped much, so good luck with it.Besides,Thepowerlevel will help you in the game,if you need cabal alz or Cabal Powerleveling,plz click the links.Thanks for reading.