MMOFury What are the top 2 updates that the CABAL Dev team is working on that are a direct result of player feedback?
Manel Bejaoui Feedback is constantly fed to the Korean developers from the European community and we are assured that the development team considers views from all versions of CABAL before deciding on the future path of the game. Unfortunately I can’t give two examples at this point, yet what I can do is highlight a few of the things we have done, as the publisher of the game, after listening to our users. Just two recent examples that come to mind are the server move and the re-introduction of a SMS provide which we mentioned on the forum. Both of the above were heavily discussed by our community and we have listened carefully and acted on their concerns. Such a proactive stance is key and it has enabled us to create a quality game for our users to play.
What do you see for CABAL over the next 2 years?
Manel Bejaoui Two years is a long time, especially in the computer industry and it would therefore be impossible for me to make any meaningful predictions. I imagine that cabal alz will continue to develop and new features will continue to be added. The development team has some really exciting ideas for the future and I believe that the game will continue to evolve and be the leading free-to-play games in the European market.
MMOFury Is there anything else you would like to mention to CABAL players?
Manel Bejaoui Get buying from the CABAL Item shop! On a serious note we hope that you all continue to enjoy the game. It is really an exciting time to be involved with CABAL and the game continues to go from strength to strength. Hopefully we may see you all around Nevareth for some time to come.
We look forward to it. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us and we look forward to many more great things from CABAL. Visit and register for CABAL Europe on the official cabal alz.